By Sharon Rose
Parents Want to Know 101, gives honor to a great American, and commemorates this 26th annual federal holiday of MLK, Jr. Day. Happy birthday Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.! His words still ring true to every parent, and every boy and girl who dreams of climbing the ladder of equal opportunity to great success and freedom in their lives. At a time when so many in our country are without jobs, I am focusing on the historical event, March on Washington, which was held to provide a platform for jobs and freedom. The I Have A Dream speech given by Dr. King on that day, Aug. 28, 1963, has become a signature speech, familiar to many. This is a great day to re-visit that speech and share its' words and meaning, as a family. He spoke of the door of opportunity he wanted to see open for all people, for all children. Let's expose our children to the many doors of opportunity that are open today. Let's seek out the information on opportunities and keep our parent involvement in their educational endeavours, high. It is through education that we will acheive our greatest freedom.
His words were always powerful and visionary. You can listen to various speeches by Dr. King at online websites that have archived many of his speeches.
MLK, Jr. Day is designated as a National Day of Service in which we all do our best to volunteer helpful hands in areas that need urgent assistance in our nation. A fitting tribute to a man who helped so many.
Adult Reading Selections: I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World, Special 75th Anniversary Edition (Martin Luther King, Jr., born January 15, 1929), by Martin Luther King ( January 30, 1992).
A Call to Conscience: The Landmark Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., by Clayborne Carson, Kris Shepard and Andrew Young (January 1, 2002).
Children's Reading Selections: My Brother Martin: A Sister Remembers Growing Up With the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., by Christine King Farris and Chris Soentpiet (December 27, 2005).
Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King, Jr. (Scholastic Bookshelf), by Jean Marzollo and J. Pinkney, January 1, 2006.
A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Picture Book Biographies), by David A. Adler and Robert Casilla (June, 1991).
Copyright, Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Sharon Rose, Parents Want to Know 101, January 16, 2012, all rights reserved.