Choosing a good treatment plan for your ASD child should involve, you, the parents, mental health and educational professionals working together to create a plan that fits your child. Each child on the autism spectrum is unique, with different strengths and different weaknesses. You know your child and trained professionals can partner with you to come up with the best fit for your child to reach their potential. When putting together a treatment plan, ask yourself these questions to guide you:
1. What are my child's strengths?
2. What are my child's weaknesses?
3. What behaviors are causing the most problems?
4. How does my child learn best?
5. What does my child enjoy?
Expectations of a Good Treatment Plan:
1. Build on your child's interests.
2. Offer a preditable schedule.
3. Teach tasks as a series of simple steps.
4. Actively engage your child's attention in highly structured activities.
5. Provide regular reinforcement of behavior.
6. As the parents, stay involved.
7. Choose skills to work on, but do not put a time limit on how long your child will work on a
skill. No pressure.
The goal of a treatment plan for your ASD child should be to treat your child's unique set of symptoms and needs. Most common autism spectrum treatments include behavior therapy, speech-language therapy, play-based therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and nutritional therapy. Keeping a regular routine and being consistent is important. You should also think about what skills and behaviors are most needed and treat those first. You can't work on everything all at once. Stay encouraged! With a good plan, and everyone (parents and professionals) working together, your child has a good chance of meeting the challenges of his own unique ASD. Step by step.
Our series continues tomorrow with more valuable information, Day 4: Finding Help and Support.
*Resource for More Information:
Copyright, 7 Day Series, Day 3: Choosing a Good Treatment Plan, Sharon Rose, Parents Want to Know 101, April 11, 2018. All rights reserved.
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